Top-Quality Cacao Powder - Organic and Rich in Antioxidants. Bursting with Flavor and Health.
Production Process:
• Selection: The cocoa beans are hand-harvested and carefully selected for quality.
• Fermentation: The beans undergo a natural fermentation process at temperatures up to 50 degrees Celsius, which helps to reduce their initial bitterness.
• Drying & Roasting: After fermentation, the beans are dried and then roasted in the factory.
• Grinding: The roasted beans are ground, releasing the fats and transforming into a liquid mass known as cocoa mass.
• Powder Processing: The cocoa mass is pressed into cocoa cake, which is then ground and cooled to form fine cocoa powder.
Nutritional Value:
Cocoa beans are a powerful source of antioxidants, containing more antioxidants than red wine and three times as much as green tea. They are also a source of minerals. Our cocoa powder retains a significant portion of the beans' nutritional value, without any additives.