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Algae Products

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Anima Mundi Chlorella 113 Grams

Known as the “Jewel of the East,” Chlorella is a genus of single cell freshwater green algae. Chlorella is traditionally known as a heavyweight in the world of detox for its remarkable nutrient profile.

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E3Live Blue Majik 90 V-Caps

Blue Majik is a 1 of a kind and chemically free extract of spirulina algae.

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E3Live E3AFA Blue Green Algae 60 Gram

E3AFA is high quality powder form of AFA (100% Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, Latin for "invisible flower of the water").

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E3Live E3AFA Blue Green Algae 90 V-Caps

E3AFA is the world's most nutritious, highest quality powdered form of AFA (100% Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, Latin for "invisible flower of the water"). E3AFA supports healthy mood balance and the ability to manage everyday stress. E3AFA helps with a faster recovery time after exercise.

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HealthForce Chlorella Manna 1200 V-Tabs

Chlorella is 50–60% protein. It is a complete protein source, meaning it contains all nine essential amino acids. Chlorella is the only plant on the planet that can quadruple its growth in less than one day. Chlorella Manna supports detoxification with an abundant chlorophyll content and its ability to bind and potentially chelate toxins.

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HealthForce Chlorella Manna 350 Grams

Chlorella is 50–60% protein. It is a complete protein source, meaning it contains all nine essential amino acids. Chlorella is the only plant on the planet that can quadruple its growth in less than one day. Chlorella Manna supports detoxification with an abundant chlorophyll content and its ability to bind and potentially chelate toxins.

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HealthForce Chlorella Manna 400 V-Tabs

Chlorella is 50–60% protein. It is a complete protein source, meaning it contains all nine essential amino acids. Chlorella is the only plant on the planet that can quadruple its growth in less than one day. Chlorella Manna supports detoxification with an abundant chlorophyll content and its ability to bind and potentially chelate toxins.

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HealthForce Chlorella Manna 450 V-Caps

Spirulina Manna™ contains high levels of phycocyanin, a pigment-protein complex that is found only in blue green algae. Considered Nature's protein powder, spirulina is 60–70% protein and contains all of the essential amino acids, making it the world’s highest known source of complete protein.

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HealthForce Elixir Of The Lake 150 Grams

Elixir Of The Lake is a unique and amazing blue green algae (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae) superfood that grows in only one place on earth – Klamath Lake in Oregon.

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HealthForce Elixir Of The Lake 50 Grams

This blue green algae is a nutritional powerhouse and a true superfood, containing high levels of a vast array of unique and extremely beneficial nutrients, including chlorophyll, B vitamins, beta-carotene (non-toxic vitamin A), macro minerals, trace minerals, phycocyanin and phenylethylamine (PEA), and trace amounts of the omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA. Blue green algae are also among the world's highest naturally-occurring sources of protein (50 to 60%). They are 100% complete plant protein.

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HealthForce Spirulina Manna 149 Grams

Spirulina Manna contains a high level of phycocyanin, a pigment-protein complex found only in blue-green algae. Spirulina is 60-70% protein and contains all essential amino acids, making it the world's best-known source of complete protein.