Super Greens
Anima Mundi Moringa 128 Grams
Anima Mundi Moringa supplies a large amount of vitamins, minerals and general biologically available nutrients to our cells.
HealthForce Revitalize Super Greens 227 Grams
This supergreens powder contains U.S.-grown, organic, gluten-free grasses, spirulina, and chlorella. Free of synthetic/isolated nutrients. Includes kelp, iodine and other important trace minerals, carob, lucuma and maca root. Also contains whole food vitamin C from acerola cherry and amla berry.
Original Superfoods Alfalfablad 150 Grams
Alfalfa also known as alfalfa has many nutrients, including proteins, minerals and vitamins.
Original Superfoods Broccoli Powder 150 Grams
Per ounce, broccoli has more vitamin C than an orange and as much calcium as a glass of milk.
Original Superfoods Dandelion Leaf Powder 150 Gram
Dandelion leaf powder is a good source of Vitamin A, C and K.
Original Superfoods Horsetail Leaf 150 Grams
Horsetail leaf powder, wildcrafted and 100% raw, rich in minerals and trace elements.
Original Superfoods Organic Barley Grass Powder 100 Grams
Barley grass is the young shoot of barley and one of the most alkaline forming foods we know.
Original Superfoods Organic Barleygrass Powder 200 Gram
Barley grass is the young shoot of barley and one of the most alkaline forming foods we know.
Original Superfoods Organic Wheatgrass Powder 100 Grams
Tarwegraspoeder - Wonder van de natuur. Biologisch en 100% rauw.
Original Superfoods Organic Wheatgrass Powder 200 Grams
Tarwegraspoeder - Wonder van de natuur. Biologisch en 100% rauw.
Original Superfoods Organic Yerba Mate 200 Gram
Yerba Mate is a nutritious tea-like drink full of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. The plant is grown in South America, particularly in Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and southern Brazil. ' Yerba "is the tea/herbal leaves, ' mate ' is the drinkkop (gourd) from which one the Yerba, doused with hot water, drink through a ' bombilla ' (filter straw).
Original Superfoods Pine Needles Cut 80 Grams
The Pine needles are from the Pinus Sylvestris, better known as the Scots pine.