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BetterYou Boost B12 Oral Spray 25 ML

BetterYou Boost B12 Oral Spray is an effective aid to normal psychological functions, expertly blended to help boost energy levels.

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Lugol's Iodine Solution 15% 50 ML

Iodine is very important to the body. For example, iodine is important for the nervous system, the skin and for normal cognitive function

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Lugol's Iodine Solution 3% 50 ML

Iodine is very important to the body. For example, iodine is important for the nervous system, the skin and for normal cognitive function.

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Lugol's Iodine Solution 7% 50 ML

Iodine is very important to the body. For example, iodine is important for the nervous system, the skin and for normal cognitive function.

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Nascent Iodine 2% 29,6 ML

Nascent Iodine is a consumable form of atomic iodine in a base of Demeter Certified Biodynamic grape alcohol. One drop provides 400 mcg of iodine.

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Original Superfoods Irish Moss 200 Grams

Irish Moss 15 of the 18 elements that make up our human body, and it has a high content in calcium, iodine, sulfur, potassium & vitamins A, D, E, F & K.

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Original Superfoods Irish Moss Gold 350 Grams

Irish Moss comes in various colors. The colors show how the Irish Moss is dried, red and green are dried in the shade and therefore keep a strong sea flavor. The golden version is dried in the sun, so the golden version has less flavor. Irish moss can be used as a thickener and base for pudding, gelatin, chocolate and ice cream. But also products such as toothpaste and cosmetics.

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Original Superfoods Irish Moss Green 150 Grams

Irish Moss comes in various colors. The colors show how the Irish Moss is dried, red and green are dried in the shade and therefore keep a strong sea flavor. The golden version is dried in the sun, so the golden version has less flavor. Irish moss can be used as a thickener and base for pudding, gelatin, chocolate and ice cream. But also products such as toothpaste and cosmetics.

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Original Superfoods Irish Moss Green 350 Grams

Irish Moss comes in various colors. The colors show how the Irish Moss is dried, red and green are dried in the shade and therefore keep a strong sea flavor. The golden version is dried in the sun, so the golden version has less flavor. Irish moss can be used as a thickener and base for pudding, gelatin, chocolate and ice cream. But also products such as toothpaste and cosmetics.

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Original Superfoods Irish Moss Red 350 Grams

Irish Moss comes in various colors. The colors show how the Irish Moss is dried, red and green are dried in the shade and therefore keep a strong sea flavor. The golden version is dried in the sun, so the golden version has less flavor. Irish moss can be used as a thickener and base for pudding, gelatin, chocolate and ice cream. But also products such as toothpaste and cosmetics.

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PRL B12-ND 54 ml

B12-ND is a rich source of liquid vitamin B12 in preferred forms (methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin) in a probiotic-fermented culture. This advanced formula provides premier vitamin B12 support. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

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PRL XenoStat 90 V-Caps

PRL XenoStat is a xeno botanical formula containing Botanica Detox, an important multi-marine formula, coupled with Botanica Support™ (a botanical biocompatible blend). This unique supplement is rich in naturally occurring iodine.